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Blue Shirt Day

In April 2020, we got April proclaimed as child abuse awareness and prevention month in the city of Regina.  One of the many ways we are working to raise awareness that month was through our Provincial wide Wear Blue on April 14th. Despite Covid-19 restrictions, we received overwhelming support most notably from Both the Regina Police and the Saskatoon Police. Seeing the amount of blue was so powerful. It was amazing to see would be to see schools, communities, workplaces, individuals, etc. coming together to wear blue in order to show their acknowledgment of the child abuse epidemic and their pledge to work toward a better tomorrow. 


Mission Statement:

Holding on to hope that through education and difficult conversations, we can make certain that every child has the safe and nurturing childhood that they deserve.

© 2021 by Holding Hope 

Registered non-profit 1307388-2



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